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Exploitation Rewritten

Child sexual exploitation (CSE) is morally uncontroversial; everyone says it is a bad thing, but the abuse does not stop by the crime itself. Victims of CSE are still further exploited by the media and in society through textual abuse.

Media representations matter. They affect how we conceptualise the problem, the issues we prioritise and how we respond to CSE. This documentary explores the media’s problematic ways of reporting on CSE as well as suggestions for improvements.

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Together with the briefing 'Media Representations on Child Sexual Exploitation', the documentary forms an online training package. Please check out the briefing for more in depth information, tips for media regulators and media practisers how to improve media reporting on CSE and tips for media consumers what to do when you come across any problematic media reporting. 

For more information on terminology, please check out the Terminology Guidelines

for the Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse.


ECPAT UK is a leading children’s rights organisation working to protect children from child trafficking and transnational child exploitation. They do this through their policy, advocacy and campaign work, their direct work with victims of CSE, their trainings they deliver to professionals working with children, the publication of cutting-edge research and briefings and through working together with other experts to raise awareness on CSE and identify strategies to combat child trafficking and the exploitation of children in tourism.

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